We are so happy to be here....we can feel our shoulders relaxing after a week on the road. Here we will settle for three nights with the good ol' Watsons of Fresno lore.
Tonight, we ate BBQ, Memphis style. It was a feast. Ribs (wet and dry), slaw, beans, rolls and sweet tea. We think we will have it again for breakfast and lunch and maybe three more dinners. If we drove 3,000 miles for tonight's dinner, it was worth it.
The Watson home on Avalon Street. (tilt your head to the right slightly to view correctly)
Please tell the Watsons hello for me.
I randomly ran into Eric and Lori today in Pasadena. It was awesome. Visalia sounds nice in the winter time...
Mike and Katie. first of all you are so funny. me and james crack up every time we read the latest update from your trip-which sounds so fun! Im so glad you guys are having an awesome time and that the precious LORD God saved you from being thrown around by a tornado or fried by lightning.
love sis sarie
Hey guys:) So glad you made it to your destination and I love reading of your adventures. You guys are so great:) Can't wait to see you again!
katie. we were waiting for you to watch the kids today. what happened?
looks like a fine establishment. those ribs also look ron burgundy-size.
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