Friday, June 6, 2008


Hi faithful ones,

Sorry for the long silence. We've been up in Wisconsin for a couple days and apparently they haven't discovered internet up in the North yet.

We tried to drive from Chicago to Memphis today and were stopped in our tracks by a few tornado warnings and lightning bolts that were way too close for comfort. We are in the middle of the journey in a town called Effingham, Illinois. We holed up at a Hilton that was full of Harley Davidson owners gearing up for the Harley rally of Illinois. We weathered the storm and the tornado warnings together. They are loud. And part-way drunk. And full of facial hair...even the ladies.

We can't upload pictures at the moment, but many are on the way. Who knows how long we'll be here....


Anonymous said...

I was beginning to worry.

No I wasn't.

Either way, good to know you are hanging with a good crowd.

watson said...

glad to hear your continuing your way eastward. the BBQ will only be better with another day to smoke.